2024 HESS Business Partner Registration by invitation only

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Thank you for your interest in becoming a HESS Business Partner for 2024!

To get started, fill out the form below and click the submit button at the bottom. You can click the partnership levels below to learn more about their benefits. If you have any questions, please contact Keith Fowlkes, HESS Executive Director at keith.fowlkes@hessconsortium.org.

These partnerships are by HESS invitation only. If you are a company that would like to be a HESS partner and have not been invited, please click here to contact us.

This form is exclusively for invited business partners only.
Primary contact- company email address
PARTNERSHIP LEVELS: Our company wishes to become/continue as a…
For benefits of becoming a contract business partner, please click the options above.

Partnership proposal with HESS pricing offer

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
PNG w/ transparent background preferred
Please list at least 3 current college references of institutions (preferably HESS institutions) you serve now or have served recently. Please include contacts with email addresses and phone numbers.

Submitted Content Consent

By clicking the submit button below, you are giving HESS the permission to use the submitted information about your company, your logo and other information you have provided for promotional use of your relationship, contract and/or discount agreement with the HESS Consortium.

Please note that the HESS Consortium has full discretion to decline your registration or discontinue our relationship at any time.
