HESS / Coalition Business Partner Portal

Current HESS / Coalition Contract Business Partner Portal

Welcome to our business partner portal with links that are important for our business contract partners and affiliates. Our HESS / Coalition Business Contract Partners have two very special benefits to enhance their engagement with HESS members.

Within the webinar reservation form is a dropdown showing what dates are taken by our partners. Please avoid these dates as two webinars cannot be scheduled on the same date. Our business partners and affiliates are allowed general use of our HESS Consortium and the Coalition for College Cost Savings logos.

Click here to download our logos for white and dark backgrounds. Please note that these forms are only for approved business partners of the HESS Consortium and The Coalition for College Cost Savings. All other submissions will be deleted. Thank you!

Registered HESS Business Partners & Affiliates

Details and discount information is provided to our members through our exclusive HESS Online Leadership Community (OLC) portal. Username and password is required.

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Moran Technology Consulting
HESS / Coalition Contract Business Partner

Moran Technology Consulting (MTC), founded in 2004, is a highly experienced and proven technology consulting services provider to the higher education community. Our consultants have worked with over 300 institutions and conducted over 800 projects across both the public and private domains (39% of our clients have been private institutions).  We are specialists in the ERP/SIS replacement space.

MTC is currently seeing a significant spike in demand for ERP assessment / planning / replacement services because many schools are considering a change in the next 1 – 5 years. ERP investments are among the largest any school will make and every aspect of these projects – from pre-implementation planning to the implementation itself, to the post-implementation planning period – is massive and complex. 

Working with a set of HESS institutions, we identified a set of common challenges facing many of them. With these in mind, we created an “à la carte” set of “bite-sized” consulting offerings to address each of these challenges. Bundling these together into an ERP Replacement Toolkit, we allow schools to pick/choose any pieces that they need and offer them at discounted rates (10+%) specifically designed for the Coalition & HESS members. You only buy what you need to make your implementation a success. 

For more information, contact: 

Claire Gilbert

claire.gilbert@morantechnology.com or (877) 337-7110 

Sr. Consultant

Moran Technology Consulting
